The effective factors of dosages of material, neutralize reaction time, polymerizing reaction temperature on the performance of the polyacrylate ammonium salt thickening agent were have been examined. 讨论了氨水用量、中和反应时间、聚合反应温度、煤油用量、交联剂用量、引发剂用量等因素对聚丙烯酸铵增稠剂产品吸水性和增稠性能的影响。
Pulp mummification agent with arsenic is a new kind of polymerizing agent. 含砷干髓剂是一种新的聚合物型干髓剂,已在临床上应用30余年。
Conditions Optimization of Finishing with Polymerizing/ Crosslinking Agent 聚合/交联型整理剂整理条件的优选
Objective: Search new polymerizing agent of bovine hemoglobin for the use of prepare suitable blood substitute. 目的:研究新的牛血红蛋白(Hb)的聚合剂,制备能满足血液替代品需要的聚合牛Hb(polyHb)。
This pattern aims for supporting the operation of large scale sport event. The organize form of technological innovation is technological innovation network. Through the polymerizing of behavioral agent and the source of technological innovation, ultimately formed the technological innovation based on mega sporting events. 它是一个以支撑大型体育赛事的应用为目标,以技术创新网络为组织形式,通过聚合实现技术创新的动态模式。